
Showing posts from November, 2013

Focusing More on Experiences...Instead of Stuff

Do you like stuff? Oh yeah, you do! The more the merrier. Lets break it down, shall we? You see the stuff on the shelf, on TV, on this popular girl in school, and you know having it will change everything. You will more complete than you currently are. People will love the stuff, think greatly of you which will change the way they have always thought of you but it will also change the way you think about yourself. And after a span of thirty or so minutes after buying the stuff, you go back to your original state of mind. GONE! The respite to this undesirable outcome is that there is always,always another stuff to take you through those steps again, and again. Its our way to measure ourselves and others. Sounds familiar? Its not your and my story. I hope to be wrong but its a story of everyone The process will continue till one day you come to the realization that you are in in fact going through those steps of "want-buy-want more" continuously. This awareness provides the ...

The White Teacher

Shining boldly in a clear dark sky,    There is no remorse in your eyes, You exude a divine light    That stands as a constant reminder through the darkness,     That living in it is alright... Giving space to the passing clouds,    You remain a spectator,  Through everything you remain still. Guiding us through the darkest period, You are nature's true reminder... We are here to survive with hope, stillness and divinity, Despite it all...

Travel even if you don't like it

Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges. Something lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go!  The Explorer Rudyard Kipling  You are a homebody. You like staying grounded at one place, not in a spiritual sense, literally speaking!  But deep inside, all of us remain an explorer, and you are no different. Your disinterest with traveling in your initial years has its roots in laziness, but its not just your story. It's always easier to stay at home and live vicariously through other people than pack your bags and explore unknown territories. But once the bug bites, it itches forever... Traveling is not about the laurels you collect to upload on your Facebook account to garner likes, it's more rooted in its benefits than that. New surroundings, people, cultures, food, sceneries open our mind and heart to a newer pattern of thinking. Our minds prefer a myopic view of the world, that way it has a more manageable set of pat...

Looking for those cracks

Another experience and a new door opens,     I interpret some more... The mysteries keep evolving,    and I seek new doors I interpret some more... I see the whirlwind rise up in the desert,   the mighty mountains holding their grounds, I see the sun going down the valley,   and hear the loud silence of the mountain ranges. The stories of natives reveal the unity of life, so does the revelation that love is supreme despite. Everything is a door, it seems,  And I interpret some more...

The goal is not happiness

The only reason I was absolutely sure about writing notes to my 15 year old self was because I saw no reason why anyone should wait, especially teens, to start their spiritual journey. Absolutely none. I disagree that spiritual teachings are too deep for teens or they still have some 'growing up' to do. Because of the exhaustive list of external and internal changes teens go through, most of them are much deeper in their thoughts than apparent( sometimes way too much!). Comprehension is high because it needs to be, otherwise the race is difficult to survive. I know exactly what you re going through right now because I was there. You are going through the flow of everyday life, with a blanket of gloom. There are days that bring us joy and there are ones that make you distraught. Life seems to be oscillate between these two polarities by virtue of things happening in the world external to us. Things happen and you react, positively or not. It's like you are on a boat and...

The Rigor

It's the coveted 9am Hoards of us get down the whistling train,  Our bags full of papers and the technology knick knacks, Our grim faces and the persistent belief that we are the center of our universe We cross the bridge in tandem, Like zombies on a kill. Where are we going? Where are we headed? Defining our own miserable realities, And blaming life for yielding us a bad hand.  Beggars pass by, so do the flower beds, the clouds, and of course other people Oblivious to it all, we keep walking... We keep walking until the door to our safe mediocrity finally opens. And we do it all over again, and again...

The Real Unreal World

They say we make it here, I say we fake it here Toiling with existence We go to work like it matters, We fight over political issues like it matters, We seek promotions like it matters, We compete in every situation like it matters, We hoard money and protect our material fluff like it matters. We fake it everyday, Until the day we unify with our friend, Who greets us warmly,  "it's time to go my friend! Did you have fun?"

Just aspiring doesn't cut it

Some humans are born great and others achieve greatness, But contrary to what Tony Robbins will tell you, Most of us are perfectly content to have slightly above - averageness thrust upon us... Turn right at Machu Pichu Mark Adams We all aspire to live great lives. Yes we aspire. That's all what most people do. There is something romantic about aspirations. Struggles and challenges make for an interesting story. You have and will harbor many aspirations as well. It's going to be the thing to do! The trouble comes when aspirations never hit the road. I believe that every aspiration that dawns upon us, provided its not just the I want to be like her story, is a calling. It represents a certain possibility that you are capable of manifesting. Your means and resources don't mean a thing, the resources appear if you take the aspiration seriously. And the scary part is that you, the true you knows that with absolute certainty.  The irony of this story is the  i...

Big things are really not that big

We aspire for bigger and greater things. All thing big is the mantra of the crowd and we live by it. We measure people by it and our own little lives. Needless to say, the mantra affects the teens especially- the biggest motivation is the ownership of all things big. It's the always looming carrot. You will be seduced by the red carrot hung in front of you as well- a big palatial house, a big modern kitchen, the patio, the garden, the car, the walking closet...I do want to underline that there is absolutely nothing around with desiring. It keeps one going and incentives have been proven to enhance results. There are two issues with it - attachment to results and the perennial feeling of lack. When you are attached to your results, as you will be, life will either bring great disappointment or a tremendous high of achievement. Both of these feelings end up in the same alley- the alley of perennial lack. The egoic mind will use the disappointment to add more to the negative stor...

Sun's Aura

Why do you take on Sun's aura when it moves on, That fleeting period between light and darkness,  Holding our hands through the period of transition. Are you really the hues we see? Or are you just emptiness, another fallacy in our worldly reality? Envious of your stillness and ethereal beauty I ask, Who are you my friend? Are you Sun's friend, companion and confidante? Or are you yet another ignored reminder to just stop, just stop for a second, And take This moment in...