The goal is not happiness

The only reason I was absolutely sure about writing notes to my 15 year old self was because I saw no reason why anyone should wait, especially teens, to start their spiritual journey. Absolutely none. I disagree that spiritual teachings are too deep for teens or they still have some 'growing up' to do. Because of the exhaustive list of external and internal changes teens go through, most of them are much deeper in their thoughts than apparent( sometimes way too much!). Comprehension is high because it needs to be, otherwise the race is difficult to survive.

I know exactly what you re going through right now because I was there. You are going through the flow of everyday life, with a blanket of gloom. There are days that bring us joy and there are ones that make you distraught. Life seems to be oscillate between these two polarities by virtue of things happening in the world external to us. Things happen and you react, positively or not. It's like you are on a boat and you have no way to steer  it. It's just going. I get every ounce of the frustration you are feeling right now. The question I often asked myself was " what's the point of this life, this year, this month, moment?" And I often answered my question, " I just want to be happy". 

After more than a decade of exploring the whims if happiness since my teens, I have come to something interesting. Happiness is dependent on external existential events that you and I have no control(duh! I knew this at 15!). The people, the places, the weather, all have to align for us to achieve the state of happiness. Happiness sits on a pedestal and we are in constant pursuit of that pedestal. 

Eckhart Tolle says that there is a space between happiness and unhappiness - Inner Peace. That's where I found my answer. There are no polarities with inner peace and its a very intimate phenomenon. It's ours and only ours. No one can mess with it, no one has the ownership of our inner peace. You can be happy and be in peace and you can be supremely unhappy and still have your inner peace. It's the protective coating for the flame of your inner self. Things can go on in the outside but your flame is steady. 

Maintaining inner peace needs practice and needless to say, I am still working on it. I am sharing some of my personal practices but as I said, your inner peace is your own and you may find your own techniques. I repeat the following when I am stressed out:

- both happiness and unhappiness are impermanent. 
- I accept this situation and surrender myself to the flow of life
- I am a peaceful soul

The goal is to reach a state of mental consistency, without the peaks of valleys of emotions that life often triggers. Otherwise we will live in the fear of leaving the peaks, despise  the time we are in the valley and live in the pursuit of peaks in the middle - we will just keep fighting and that's no fun. 


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