Big things are really not that big

We aspire for bigger and greater things. All thing big is the mantra of the crowd and we live by it. We measure people by it and our own little lives. Needless to say, the mantra affects the teens especially- the biggest motivation is the ownership of all things big. It's the always looming carrot. You will be seduced by the red carrot hung in front of you as well- a big palatial house, a big modern kitchen, the patio, the garden, the car, the walking closet...I do want to underline that there is absolutely nothing around with desiring. It keeps one going and incentives have been proven to enhance results.

There are two issues with it - attachment to results and the perennial feeling of lack. When you are attached to your results, as you will be, life will either bring great disappointment or a tremendous high of achievement. Both of these feelings end up in the same alley- the alley of perennial lack. The egoic mind will use the disappointment to add more to the negative story of your life. But it will treat you no different for your high. It will leave no stones unturned to let you know that even though you have proven to be good, there is someone better than you or has bigger things - soon there is that feeling n the body...that lacky feeling! Soon you want a bigger car, a bigger home, a bigger whatever. Soon enough, you start the pursuit of hr next list of big things to acquire. There is really no peace in this rigmarole. As long as the truth about your desires is not known to you, there will be no lasting peace. 

Understand who desires these and why? Your ego mind is trying to define itself and it needs the big things to create a superior story of you. It needs more stuff to keep going and bigger stuff adds an interesting angle to your definition, so it vehemently goes for it. If you had nothing and you were very content, that makes for a very boring story. 

You will never be devoid of wants and desires. This belief system has been handed down to us over many years. But what you may want to do is to compliment the desires with the light of your awareness. The awareness of the you distinct from the ego that desperately wants to check out he ever growing list. When you are 30 and you look back at all the big things you have acquired, they won't mean a thing. You will not be unhappy about that fact that you own them but deep within something inside you will know that stuff is really just stuff, it will not add or subtract anything from your life, except for delusional emotions of joy or sorrow. 

I didn't want to end this without mentioning the story of this woman in Oklahoma who had just lost her entire house in this devastating hurricanes of 2013. The news crew was trying to get a piece from her and she looked very distraught, it seemed like she was looking for something desperately. On further probing, she mentioned that her dog of many years is missing. She didn't seem to care as much about her completely broken house, she just kept searching. And right then, we hear the mild bark of a dog from under the wood pieces. She jumps on her feet and grabs him and says, " I have everything now! I don't need anything else".

Don't be fooled by big things, they are not really that big. Sometimes the small things are the biggest, and you will find them when you find yourself. 


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