Just aspiring doesn't cut it

Some humans are born great and others achieve greatness,
But contrary to what Tony Robbins will tell you,
Most of us are perfectly content to have slightly above - averageness thrust upon us...

Turn right at Machu Pichu
Mark Adams

We all aspire to live great lives. Yes we aspire. That's all what most people do. There is something romantic about aspirations. Struggles and challenges make for an interesting story. You have and will harbor many aspirations as well. It's going to be the thing to do! The trouble comes when aspirations never hit the road.
I believe that every aspiration that dawns upon us, provided its not just the I want to be like her story, is a calling. It represents a certain possibility that you are capable of manifesting. Your means and resources don't mean a thing, the resources appear if you take the aspiration seriously. And the scary part is that you, the true you knows that with absolute certainty. 

The irony of this story is the  inherent tendency  to never materialize them. It's almost like we are scared, scared to make them come true. Our greatest fear remains the possibility of success. The bottom line is that we are lazy -- lazy to act because aspiring is easier than doing. That's why we avoid exercising, eating healthy, leave unpleasant jobs, quit smoking, etc.Eating a donut is always easier than doing 10 push ups. But we keep aspiring because we all know we can do the 10 push ups, if we really do it. We know what to do and why should we do it. But we don't. Because its easier. 

I had a tumultuous relationship with sweet addiction. Cake, cookies, pastries - i had no will power to not eat it all! It sounds pretty innocuous but it created a havoc on my health and overall self confidence because I kept aspiring to quit but the more I aspired, the more sweets I ate. As baffling as that was, it forced me to take a pause and take an objective look at this situation. The last thing I wanted to do was to completely lose control of the situation and I already could feel the reins loosening. What I found out was very interesting - the reason for my contradictory behavior was not because I didn't know what to do, it was that I knew exactly what to do. Scared of trying and failing could have been a detractor but delving deeper I found that I just didn't want to try and worse, to keep at it. i was lazy. 

At the very core, we all know we have the power to do anything, absolutely anything. We are scared of this phenomenon truth because now we have the added pressure of the universe to make it happen. It's like the universe is smirking back at us " what's stopping you??" And we don't really have a ground breaking answer.

Marathoners have confessed to reaching Zen like states and having multiple spiritual experiences of varying degrees while running. Extreme sports that push the limits actually push us beyond this natural reaction to aspirations. It's the victory of the self over the mind based stories and inconclusive reasoning of why we should not make it happen.

You are gifted such that many aspirations will come to you. Recognize your natural reaction of resistance towards them. At the same time, know for sure, that you have all the components in the tool set to make the rubber hit the road. And when it does, you will wonder, why, why did you wait so long?!?:)


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