Notes to my 15 year old self : The Grandeur of Silence

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature -- trees, flowers, grass -- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence. We need silence to be able to touch souls.

                                                                                                       - Mother Teresa

You are inherently a fiery one. You are always ready to take it head on, irrespective of who is on the other side. The slightest of slights makes you uncomfortable and a few more, takes you to the edge and there is no looking back. You fall! Emotions run high and you find yourself crying out loud, with guilt, with anger, a combination of both. You don't want to hurt anyone but it seems like a knee jerk reaction. You feel a certain power in responding fiercely, but it is quick to fade. I think adrenaline has something to do with it...who knows. Many such situations will present itself in front of you and you will repeat the same reaction, sometime even responding with a physical blow with not so pleasant consequences. It might be hidden from you but the energy produced by these situations, mostly negative, are all storing up. The ego is getting more stories to add to its image and make itself more powerful. Its a vicious circle dear, the more you emotionally react today, you are setting the stage for an amplified encore tomorrow.

Unless you change your reaction! Think about that for a second. What if you remain silent in response?? Completely silent. All you need to do is just keep breathing and focusing on the breath. The person you are responding to might get flustered and even raise their voice because they are not getting a response, because that's what their ego really wants. Soon, their ego gives up and you will find silence on the other side. Its a very big shift when you can apply it to your life. There is no doubt that this will need some practice, because you are conditioned to respond a certain way, the ego is trained for it. We need to get your inner Self, your guide to overpower your ego. There is a purity in these moments that radiate and fills the space you are in. It engulfs the people in the argument in a sea of peace. The other person also has the same peace as their eternal essence and therefore their inner Self responds to it. That's it! The souls connect in a conscious space which is peaceful by nature. 

Apply this to small things in your daily life, may be a friend spoke to you rudely in school or your neighbor's kid broke your window glass.  You know what to do, respond with silence! You may need to walk away in some cases, or your inner guide may ask you to respond with some facts and then remain silent,  and that's all right. Just give time for your inner guide to shine. You deserve it. There will come a point, where your knee jerk reaction is silence. You would have experienced a turning point in your life.


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