The 'not so nebulous' Clouds

So I have been fascinated by clouds ever since I one day looked up at the sky and felt like they were speaking to me. May be 15 years back. I think they are the most fascinating element of nature the human race has access to and they haven't really got their due. It almost feels like we take their existence for granted...."some white stuff floating around in a blue sky", EXACTLY! how crazy fantastic is that....some white stuff floating around in a blue sky. But we collectively have forgotten how to really appreciate the small little things in and around us. Maintaining the stronghold of the ego within us takes up so much of our energy. 

On a clear day, I love how the clouds selflessly hold on to the hew of the various colors of the sunset. Not seeking any attention to themselves, just happy to be there under the glory of the effervescent Sun. I am sure they have a spirit and they know, they know the truth. Its almost like they are the constant witness to the drama or the Leela on the earth. They are observing how we get so worked up about a missed bus, a project deadline, when we seek happiness in everything but within, when we don't have the time to notice the vagaries of nature....and they smile...


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