I am a Gemini

When I tell people I am Gemini ..there is always a hmmm....usually it is to honorarily recognize the dual nature of this particular species. There is an instant skepticism  because somehow I must be hiding my true self...I have to, I am a Gemini after all...

I have been a spiritual journey for some time, not knowing I was in one till I read something that prompted a duh! The purpose of life and the questions pertaining to the reason of my existence, has consumed me for a while.   Nothing I did spurred it or so I believe and thus began the journey of reading, listening, reading more and listening more.

I am not even 10% there yet but what I have gathered is that we all are Geminis. We all carry a dual self....the I or the Self and the Ego. The Ego is what we experience 95% of the time and I in glimpses. The duress in this world  is a stunning example of the consequence of this imbalance. We are lost in who we want to be and frustrated that we are not like someone else. This model is extremely sustainable by its very nature, primarily because we will never run out of people who seem better than us and thus we will remain lost in that endless pursuit. How do we break this cycle?  In my humble opinion, it is by strengthening the I/the Self/The Presence. Its not an easy task because there are material ways to make the Ego stronger which is easy, we have credit cards for that. But Mr. I is a tough cookie to befriend...it needs commitment, a new way of thinking, an awakening....


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