I turned 28...

...on 7th of June. It actually flew by....it only gave me a whiff...but what a whiff it was. The outpour of love from my parents and relatives was heart warming. My dad actually bought a card and scanned the copy and emailed me....wow! They also had a small party at home where they a cut and made merry...for my birthday!Its silly and great...but its so very sweet. But it was my husband of 4 months and boyfriend of 10 years who completely took me by surprise...there were a string of surprises for me that all took great effort to plan...I am sure. The details are ethched in my heart. Its moments like these that makes me halt and think of the years, the decisions, the choices....I got my family who love and adore the life out of me...hell yeah...I turned out OK!!:D


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