
When I was a little girl, I knew Paris to be a place that(may be) looks like heaven. In my adolescence when I was being eaten up alive by the Mills and Boon novels and I spent every waking moment reading a romantic/semi raunchy book, I knew Paris to be a place where extremely good looking men and women come from, which only corroborated the fact that it cannot be for real. My mom spoke of the movie "An Evening in Paris" quite often with much gusto. And as an evidence of her enthusiasm, she would hum a few lines from the title song....with extra aaaas in Paris....And Evening in Paaaaaris! Ah those were the days...

So today, as I pack my bags to take the flight to Paris in the evening, its only natural that I feel surreal about it. Many people have asked me over the last few days...excited?. And then I ask myself the same question...excited? I am not excited. I am happy about this trip...really happy. Its much bigger than we thought it would be and the fact that we are taking this trip together after a decade of being together, makes it almost an ode. But I am also sad that Paris will not be a mystery anymore. That I will see humans who talk, walk and also brush their teeth. Its almost like a part of me does not want to discover Paris. Because it would mean that my childhood thoughts were not real....and Paris is not in fact heaven.

.....but may be that's why it enchanted me in my childhood so that I can make it a reality one day.

Bon Voyage' to me :)


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