Working woman in the US

Its weird....since I have been in the United States, all I have ever wanted was to have a good job! Its been a long winding road and very very challenging, courtesy the US economy. But now that I have the job, all I want to do is sleep on the mother's lap, have chai with dad and talk about USSR, attend family wedding and arrange for dance sequences for family parties.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my job! Not at all. On the contrary, I am loving it. Its great fun and a lot of learning. I guess I just lack purpose now. There is no challenge to overcome, I cant find reasons to stay oceans away from my family.
I want to be by my mom when she cant get up due to her arthritis attack, when dad pretends he is OK when he is in pain...I want to be there. It feels selfish to be enjoying the fruits of their hard work.
Cant wait to be back!!


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