The Ruchika Case

I feel sorry about the fact that I did not know about this case for more than a decade. It is shameful that as an Indian and as a woman, I had no idea that someone went through so much in a small lifetime. But may be I should not because the judiciary of India has also just woken up to the case. For fellow Indians living abroad like me who are unaware of her story, Ruchika was a 16 year girl who committed suicide after being molested by a DGP who was the head of the tennis association where she played. The catch is that she did not commit suicide just after being molested but tried fighting it and standing upto a perverted pseudo government official. The latter tried everything to harass the family, from torturing her 10 year old brother after he was framed for theft and locked up to getting Ruchika expelled from her school. And there always were the threats, warnings and other mental tortures. Her brother was beaten up mercilessly in in front of her and her father in their own house. All this for what?? because she complained that she was molested. I am appalled that no one protected them. Are we so unsafe in India?
It is ironical that the sadness of the story is brightened by the most beautiful friendship that I have ever had the privilege to know. Her best friend Aradhana and her dad stood by the family and fought Ruchika's case. Its because of this friendship that we see a semblance of justice in this case today. We see two extremes of human behaviour in this story. One that makes you lose faith in humanity and one that encourages you to be kind and live for others.
I wonder what Ruchika went through in her mind when she wrote that she cant stand what she has brought on to her family. Suicide is supposed to be for quitters but where do you draw the line? seeing your darling 10 year old brother being beaten to death in front of you, your best friends dad being expelled from his job because of you, your dad being threatened everyday, your character being held responsible, being expelled from the school where you always studied....where exactly does human resilience end? I wonder what I would have done if I was Ruchika and I cant imagine, sitting here at the comfort of my apartment. Her story is a reality check for people who crib relentlessly, who get tired just doing a job, whose sole aim in life is to buy the next iphone or droid, who live just for themselves...
I hope people will remember Ruchika as a fighter and not a quitter!


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