Light at the end of the tunnel

After all the struggle I can see the light....yes the famous light! I don't believe I am at the end of the tunnel but I am close and I can see the light. I am happy...yes..but!Its almost a sigh. It was a long fight. There were so many emotions involved...some that will stay with me. There were days I almost gave up...yes very nearly. But there were three things that held me...very strong. Didn't let go.
First was the baby of eight long and wonderful years. The baby was a rock..never let me fall. We have been through so much together. Another feather in our cap...another war won. From being there to just hear me sob to travelling miles to comfort me...the baby has done it all. There are few people in our lives we can't thank enough....we live because they exist.
Second was Joel Osteen. I never knew he existed in this world. I believe in a supreme power and I have faith in the concept of God. But I never knew this man. On one of those recession Sundays when I could not sleep because the exponentially increasing loan amount was troubling me, I switched on the TV. There he was, he spoke loud and clear. I don't even know why I saw him when I switched on...I wonder who saw that channel in my house. He captured me. He didn't try to proselytize....he created those 30 mins he made me strong..for the next 6 very tough months. I listened to him everyday....he said that face your challenges head on and God will be with you. And he was right. God has been with me all along....because I did not give up. I believe this has been one of the greatest lessons in my life.
And who said God is not real. I have seen God. I see him in the baby, I saw him in Joel Osteen and I see him in Dr. D. He was my professor in my masters program. Trust me, he is a busy man but that did not deter him from spending 30 mins every Saturday to make a game plan to fight the recession. He gave me hope, told me stories....just so that I don't give up. What did he gain....what could he...from helping one of his students....probably nothing. But he gave me so much....beyond anything. To get unconditional support and affection is one of the greatest gifts...he gave me that. I hope I pass it forward...I promise I will. That's the least I can do for one of the greatest men I know.
So you see....its hard to get through life without support. I could not have gone through one of the toughest years of my life without the above mentioned people. One of the things I learnt was to ask for help....somebody out there is ready to provide it...we only have to believe.


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