The Wind Spa

Have you ever felt the wind in your face...have you really? For me, it's one of the most rejuvenating exercises that gives me back my 'life' every time i do it!
Today was a different Cleveland winter day. It was a refreshing, romantic and wonderful 10 degree Celsius day. I got an opportunity to go out early evening. I stepped out and there it was...the wind...ahh!! I just stood there, chin up and closed eyes...feeling the wind against my pretense, no trying hard, nothing to worry about, jobs, bad economy-nothing at all. I did not realize but I stood there for close to five minutes. I felt light and beautiful. It made me feel beautiful!! 

I think I should do it more often.The wind and its intimate interaction with me made me realize that no matter how bad things are....somethings are perennial and that comforts me.
Try it won't regret it.


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