The bittersweet economy:)

I missed.Sorry about that.Was busy with a lot of career related thinking and its ramifications.This economy has grabbed my attention into thinking the kind of new era of psychology it has brought in.
One of fav professors at Case Western Reserve University was talking about how we have to really understand what our true strengths are-in order to sell ourselves well to a potential employer.The culture of strong self awareness is setting in.People are going back to basics-to their very core.
People are buying what they need and not necessarily what they want.Is it not something we all used to do when life was not about luxury and more about quality of life?
People distressed with unemployment have started valuing their friends more because they are standing by them in this difficult time.
It has made us try harder-to go that extra mile and may be do it with a smile so as to make the journey a lill less bitter.Can there be a better life lesson?
Jobs-I have never experienced this frenzy and the heightened level of anxiety about something.And guess what,everyone is doing it!School,grocery store,bar,restaurant and what have you,everyplace has become a good place to discuss the dooming effect of unemployment.And I now realize,there is a sense of integration.No matter which country,race,religion,we can share and empathize.Can you think of something else that has integrated people together like this....may be 9/11 or 26/11 in mumbai.
Sometimes when I hold back and look at the whole worsening economy from a systems approach-i see a pattern.I see myself joining the dots and guess what-it brings a smile to my face.This economy has caused us to unite,integrate, go back to our roots and may be learn some great life lessons!!Amen.


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