When Grace Beckons...

There I was, at another intersection of life and drama. Lost in thoughts and feeling the despair which comes from trying to fit our larger than life lives into the smallness of our minds. I was sitting at the back of our car with my 3 year old son, traveling on the highway and feeling the nostalgia that comes from listening to older Bollywood songs. And then out of nowhere it happened. A tinkle in my index finger, and I knew it had arrived. A blessing that's distinctive and one I know very dearly. It's the oncoming of my presence, my godliness revealing itself, pushing my fictitious mind boundaries and very decisively telling it to step away for some sacred moments. The tingling pervaded my whole body and while I wasn't articulating it, the vibration of oneness and resonance could be felt deeply. I just wanted to be, soak, marinate and glow in that resonance. And that's exactly what I did. I can never tell it's comings and goings. I can only respect the arriva...