
Showing posts from September, 2013

Notes to my 15 year old self: Listen to the Silence

Have you heard silence yet? Its been the single biggest transformation in my life - appreciation of silence. I have always been the quieter one, so the love affair started earlier. Seeking calmer surroundings and people became such a big part of my life that I lost out on much of late night parties that young adults are synonymous with. Once in a while I did land up in a pub but my challenge with those nights was palpable to people who would accompany me. I would try hard to fit in, I would really try but fail miserably. Authenticity or the lack thereof is easy to catch and I would be red just cheating on myself. After 12 years of trying to fit in, at the ripe old age of 29, I felt comfortable declaring to my friends that loud places, people and stuff are not my thing and I would appreciate if they understood. The BORING tag was more pleasant to deal with than trying to groove to ear deafeningly loud music in a sweaty, dingy place. All the while wishing that I be on my couch with my ...

Yin and yang

The tingling energy     That which you cannot touch It resonates with every cell in body      And purifies it one by one Whose love it O'Mother     Is it yours, is it mine, is it everyone's?


I realize now why airports and planes are such a big part of my life currently. I just needed this time for myself. There has been resentment due to regular plane delays and time away from home but I have also noticed a surge in my imagination and intuition. I feel calmer, peaceful and able to interpret situations better. The solitude that flights bring have given me more time for reflection and introspection. I find myself writing a lot while on the flight. The quietude while I am amongst the clouds, the hues and the emptiness, gets me in the zone. The tapestry of life and the way dots keep connecting continues to fascinate me! Needless to say, most of my recent writings have come from being in the clouds and staring at the hues far away at the horizon. Here is one more... See the world from up the sky through the clouds       some big, some small I see the expanse but oh my mind is so small, The concrete jungles, the cars, the homes, your beloved pool,   ...

Up in the Air

Up in the air is where I      say my prayers, Amongst the soul blue and the ethereal clouds      is where I feel closest to myself, Secretly believing that my words are closer to their destination,      I subtly ask,        Where would you have me go?        What would you have me do? I stare at the clouds passing me by,     And I know, I know they have heard me Reflecting back the expanse of my heart,     I hear them whisper, loud and clear,        "Be right where you are...."